Hey, screw you! I can't be expected to update this thing all the time. So, I'll fill you in with recent happenings. They are as follows:
1) I started one of those MySpace thingamajobbers.
UncleHerpie's MySpaceSo, if you are reading this, and are NOT my friend... Get with the times!
2)I got so amazingly sick, that I thought I was going to die. I even had my first experience with hallucinating on one of the nights. For whatever reason, I thought that everything I did had a bearing on World Events, including but not limited to; commerce and peace. I even had to arrange the pillows on my bed, of which there are many, in a certain way. The scary part about hallucinating is when you catch yourself doing it. Fuck that, it was perhaps the worst night of my life...which makes me wonder why people take drugs to INDUCE that hellish nightmare! So, in one of my sane moments I decided to take a shower, because as we all know, a good shower can probably cure cancer. That being said, cancer ain't got nothing on whatever the fuck I had. So I started with a hot shower, but I had a fever, and couldn't even feel it. I know it was hot as shit, because the steam was abundant. I changed my temperature to a cooler one, and sat down in the shower. This seemed to work a little better, and I was able to mutter to myslef, utterly naked, that it was mind over matter, and I wasn't going crazy. To make matters worse, whatever I had was graciously passed on to Andrew, who in turn, thought he was a piece of furniture. To cap it all off (beware...gross), I had one lovely morning where I had the honor of experiencing a mass evacuation of various bodily fluids. I got up to go the bathroom, when I promptly realized that I was going to vomit (which is VERY rare for me), luckily my bathtub is directly in front of my toilet. I was able to lean forward and vomit my entire stomach contents, namely Tang, into the tub. The convulsions of my vomiting then made by bowels violently evacuate themselves, followed by the loss of bladder control. Keep in mind, at this point I still had a fever, and all this activity was making me sweat quite profusely. Couple that with the tears and snot and spit and mucus that came along with the vomiting, and you have yourself a lovely mental image. At the end of my "episode", I almost laughed...almost. I was like a fucking joke, only it wasn't very funny.
3) The Job situation is starting to look up, as I've started my management training at PetCo. As much as I love being an "Aquatic Specialist", it's all about the money at this point. I also have a potential opportunity as a sales rep for Polar Beverages, which would also alot me a decent vehicle expense compensation package. Man, it would be nice to drive a car that HAS an exhaust system.
4) I lost a shit-ton of my cichlids due to the ever popular Malawi Flesh-Eating Bacteria. Funny thing is, it didn't limit itself to killing my Malawi Cichlids...it was a non-discriminative flesh-eating bacteria apparantly. I won't bother listing all the deaths, let's just say it was significant. All in all, I'd say I lost about 30 fish.
5) After much delay, Andrew, Affie, and I have finally begun watching "Bleach", and so far so good. I can tell it's gonna be a badass series. It has the sweet duality thing going, you know...funny AND badass.
6) I also started my own nation at
NationStates.net. If you haven't already done so, DO so! When you get started, look for the region "Once Forgotten" and join our amalgamation of nations. The password to get in is: "password"
The Borderlands of ClamtasiaNow get to it...fucker.
7) I hate you Todd.