Friday, July 08, 2005

Of The Week...

Alright, you cock-ay-asses!

Movie(s): The Godfather Trilogy

Sports Player: Johnny Damon - keep those hits coming!

Fish: O.B. Peacock - mostly because it has the word "cock" in it...

Food: The Steak Bomb

Once again, I am injury plagued...I somehow managed to pull my lower back while bending over to pick up a baseball. That's it. It wasn't even a difficult maneuver...but it hurt like a bastard. And on a particularly brilliant move on my part, I agreed to help Andrew move 4 fish tanks on the day following the pull...That was not so comfortable. It was also a miserable, wet-ass, rainy, bullshit of a day. The lady we were moving for thought it would be a good idea to drive up on her front lawn with Andrew's rear-wheel drive the rain...over a muddy mulched area...between two trees. Wouldn't cha know it, it got stuck! I won't bore you with the tedious details..with the slipping...and the hitting trees...and the crushing bushes..and all that jazz. In light of these events, I've been taking it easy for a couple days, so I can hopefully heal up in time for the next activity of mine.

To make things even MORE enjoyable...I apparently neglected to pay my cable/internet bill. SO I am without BOTH cable and internet. I am actually writing this at Andrew's house. Let me tell you, it is remarkably boring without these luxuries. I have however, gooten my read on as of late. Which I suppose is a good thing. Whatever did they do back in the days of old? You know, like the 70's... Those people had to actually go to a store to get their porn...or fuck...whichever was easier...Come to think of it...damn...I wish I grew up in the 70's...

I made a badass music video, and I've been trying to have it hosted somewhere, but I'm getting a lot of guff from It keeps getting it messed up with some bull-riding video. I have like the first 6 seconds of the video...but that doesn't do anyone any good...As soon as I can, I'll have a link to it here. Till then, I can e-mail a 7mb version to anyone who wishes to see it...and you should.

Suck my balls, suck my ass...and suck my kiss!



Anonymous said...

Hey Evan, if you see this- we're starting at 10am on Sunday. Call my cellphone 508-930-3558 if you can't make it.

Joe aka Reaper

Anonymous said...

Herp...please...for the sake of all of us...get a job! And stop this insanity.